Seria de controllere calibratoare PACE de la GE Druck aduce impreuna ultimele tehnologii in materie de masura si control ale presiunii pentru a oferi o solutie eleganta si economica pentru aplicatii din control a presiunii din laboratoare de testare si calibrare presiune sau de pe liniile de productie. Foloseste control complet digital pentru obtinerea rapida a unor nivele de presiune foarte stabile si a unor rampe de urcare sau coborare foarte bruste, iar senzorii caracterizati digital ofera calitatea, stabilitatea, latimea de banda si precizia asociate noilor tehnologii piezo-rezistive.
The PACE Series pneumatic pressure controller brings together the latest pressure control and measurement technology to offer an elegant and economical solution to pressure control for production, test and calibration. It employs full digital control to provide high control stability and high slew rate, while its digitally characterized pressure sensor offers the quality, stability, higher bandwidth and precision associated with this latest generation of piezo-resistive devices. - See more at:
The PACE Series pneumatic pressure controller brings together the latest pressure control and measurement technology to offer an elegant and economical solution to pressure control for production, test and calibration. It employs full digital control to provide high control stability and high slew rate, while its digitally characterized pressure sensor offers the quality, stability, higher bandwidth and precision associated with this latest generation of piezo-resistive devices. - See more at:
Specificatii si avantaje:
The PACE Series pneumatic pressure controller brings together the latest pressure control and measurement technology to offer an elegant and economical solution to pressure control for production, test and calibration. It employs full digital control to provide high control stability and high slew rate, while its digitally characterized pressure sensor offers the quality, stability, higher bandwidth and precision associated with this latest generation of piezo-resistive devices. - See more at:
- Mai multe versiuni de sasiu si module de control interschimbabile
- Configuratii cu un modul, doua module sau autoselectabile
- Controlul presiunii cu viteza mare
- Pana la 210 bar, presiune relativa sau absoluta
- Trepte de precizie de pana la 0,005% din citire + 0,005% din scala (la cerere, trepte superioare)
- Stabilitate pe termen lung de 0,01% din citire pe an
- Optiune de referinta barometrica
- Foloseste noua tehnologie patentata GE de senzori piezo-rezisitvi cu rezonanta
- 28 de unitati de masura selectabile si 4 unitati de masura definite de utilizator
- Optiuni de testare de presostate, testare de etanseitate, program de testare, testare la rupere, iesiri analogice si iesiri pe releu
- Optiune Aeronautica
- Calibrare pentru presiune negativa inclusa ca standard
- Operare prin intermediul unui ecran color de tip touch screen
- Meniu intuitiv structurat cu icoane
- Compatibil cu diverse pachete software folosite in laboratoare
- Conectivitate USB, RS232, IEEE si Ethernet incluse ca standard